Mumbai is nice city to work in part time also Mumbai has been giving the 30% of work is base on the part time work. Because most of the bars and hotels are working in evening 7.00 pm to 11 p.m. but they are working till next day morning 2 am everyday. So most of the unemployed people are working in part time in hotels and bars to get part time money. Mainly girls are working as a service girl, dancer, supply management, Massage Parlour and more type of work is giving part time money to the mumbai working women. I visited Mumbai last year and I experienced more and more with my cousin brother. Because he is working in a bar in part time and getting more than Ten thousand salary from his work and he is enjoying the day and night life.
Most of the Mumbai unemployers are working in part time to get more much better income but they are not satisfy with this part time work so that they are trying to work in day time also in pan shop or hotels and any factory. Some people are enjoying with the part time salary and they are taking rest in day time and they are going to work in evening usually. These are all offline jobs available in Mumbai and some people are working in software companies as part time and full time. Because most of the IT based jobs are available for girl and boys for making more online and offline money.
International business people and BPO and KPO are not interested to open office in Mumbai on because of the ependiture. But some BPO and KPO offices are working in Mumbai to do the Software development work. Also the main Criteria is the land value is tribled compare with other cities in India. Moreover, they must give double salary to the people on because of the cost of living in Mumbai is very high. You should avoid the marketing and environmental situation is tranferred to all the Software companies to Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
Online work in Mumbai is very much available in other city which very nearer to Mumbai like, Nagpur, Thane, Pune. Because all the Mumbai cities also improved their population and business activities. Most of the main Indian based websites are having offices in Mumbai and Delhi. Some people are living in other cities in India like Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Kolkata, and Jaipur. I just want to know how much percentage of people are working in online in India? I just check up in Google Search engine but I could not get the exact details about online business people in india's percentage.
Most of the Mumbai unemployers are working in part time to get more much better income but they are not satisfy with this part time work so that they are trying to work in day time also in pan shop or hotels and any factory. Some people are enjoying with the part time salary and they are taking rest in day time and they are going to work in evening usually. These are all offline jobs available in Mumbai and some people are working in software companies as part time and full time. Because most of the IT based jobs are available for girl and boys for making more online and offline money.
International business people and BPO and KPO are not interested to open office in Mumbai on because of the ependiture. But some BPO and KPO offices are working in Mumbai to do the Software development work. Also the main Criteria is the land value is tribled compare with other cities in India. Moreover, they must give double salary to the people on because of the cost of living in Mumbai is very high. You should avoid the marketing and environmental situation is tranferred to all the Software companies to Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
Online work in Mumbai is very much available in other city which very nearer to Mumbai like, Nagpur, Thane, Pune. Because all the Mumbai cities also improved their population and business activities. Most of the main Indian based websites are having offices in Mumbai and Delhi. Some people are living in other cities in India like Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Kolkata, and Jaipur. I just want to know how much percentage of people are working in online in India? I just check up in Google Search engine but I could not get the exact details about online business people in india's percentage.
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