My friend is working in Software Company, Hyderabad. Her name is Sundari Ramamoorthy just got more than enough salary but she is not satisfy with this salary and She is very much interested to work in part time. So she can plan a part time work and she called me about online part time jobs to get more free money. I just told her to read my blogs and I gave her my Bangalore friends phone number and she called him to get more and more ideas through chatting and phoning. Now she is also working in part time and create a website for online community something and she got more than 10000 members in her community. I cant believe it and she is growing fastly and now she is writing a fantastic blog for making money online also.
I dont know the real reason but She is making a fantastic blog and website and she is earning more free money through Google Adsense. Now she is my competitor in blog writing so that I can not tell the blog name and website name here. I just saw her website now and it is very very nice page and it is looking superb colour and modules. I hope she will become a master in website making and also she is in software field and she is working morethan 4 hours for her website. Whenever I saw her website more than 10 to 20 people are online even after 12'O clock itself.
She will never sleep or She is sleeping not morethan Six hours a day. Because she is working for her website 4 hours and 8 hour for office so she is working 12 hours a day 84 hours a week. Now is making a compatible group in her website and making more friends group their and getting more traffic through her webpage itself. I dont have better than my best friend and now I am also trying to improve my blogs and website morethan results from my girl friends website. I dont know the real reason and she is getting more traffic from search engine than other traffic. That is the main reason to get more and more free trafic from her SEarch Engine Optimization.
Now I am also trying to optimize my Search Engine keywords, Description and Titles for getting real traffic to my website. Because Our Website Search Engine Optimizization should be creating like this :
Title : Title must not be 150 character
Description : Description must not be 200 character
Keywords : Keywords must not be 500 character
You should follow the above things then you will get fantastic Search Engine results for your website. Also you should create title should be related to your website, Description also giving the words interrelated to your website and Keywords is also the important role and it should be related with your website word as a tag or Keywords.
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Part time chennai - Blogs
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